I'm just trying to catch the deluge in a paper cup...

Sunday, February 7, 2010

An Avett Night

Tonight is an Avett Brothers type of night. If you've never listened to The Avett Brothers, I highly, highly, HIGHLY recommend them, especially their newest album entitled "I and Love and You". It's one of those albums where every song on it is great and you never hit the skip button...which is becoming more and more rare in today's musical climate. Anyway, I was sitting here thinking about what wisdom I could impart on my blog tonight...because in all honesty, I didn't really have a plan for this post, I just felt like it was time for a new one. But I think I've thought of something at least relatively important to say...so, here we go.

In general, my current life...is pretty sucky. I mean, overall. Which happens, I know. I have never once expected my life to be totally great the whole time, and I am 100% aware and accepting of the fact that without life's struggles, the good things that happen to us wouldn't be good...they would just be things. I guess that's the point, in a way. And obviously there are good things in my life right now. I have great friends, a great family, a relatively enjoyable job, and a Taylor 714...which is a guitar, for those of you who weren't sure. But here's the problem.

I have no idea what I'm doing.

Two semesters ago, if you would've asked me if I would've been okay with living at home, I probably would've been tempted to use an expletive to express my utter contempt at the mere mention of such an act. I am tired of Canyon, and I am REALLY tired of Texas. I know that lots of you probably think that Texas is the greatest place on the planet...but if so, then this planet is really crappy. Anyway, I am totally rambling, but here's the gist of what I mean...I feel stuck. Utterly and hopelessly stuck. And it's fine for you to say that I'm not stuck, and I know that I'm not stuck, but that doesn't change the fact that I feeeeeeel like I'm stuck. You know what I mean? There's a pretty substantial difference in feeling and knowing. And it doesn't help that I have no money to go anywhere, and even though I'm getting a decent amount of hours, it would take me a long time to get enough money to go anywhere, let alone attend college. I should probably stop thinking about this before I freak myself out. I guess it's kinda lame for me to post this on the internet, but I guess that's also the point of having a blog. I mean...I'm not requiring you to read this, haha.

I wish I knew what I was doing. Or at least had something concrete to work towards. I mean, obviously I know my ultimate goal...but I wish I had some solid, something I can look at and say "I want that.", you know? And I don't. I'm not even close. Let me know if you have any suggestions. Goodnight.

The Avett Brothers

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